ISB’s Elementary School Counseling department consists of two full time counselors and a school psychologist.
Our comprehensive counseling program includes:
Transition Support
It is our goal to ensure that each new student has a smooth transition to ISB and that students have a positive transition when departing ISB. Welcoming new students and their parents, providing them with an orientation of our Elementary School, and supporting each student’s adjustment to his/her new environment comprise the foundation that we build upon to make certain that each student succeeds socially and academically. Correspondingly, working with departing students and families is also a priority for successful transitions out of the Elementary School.
Counseling Curriculum Delivery
Our comprehensive counseling program focuses on activities and lessons that are developmentally appropriate and consistent with the ISCA (International School Counseling Association) and ASCA (American School Counseling Association) student standards. The Counseling Curriculum overview can be found on the ES Curriculum calendar. The counselors teach in the classrooms on a regular basis as part of the core counseling program and are additionally available for supplemental lessons.
Small group counseling
A variety of small group counseling activities occur throughout the year which foster social/emotional development. These groups address topics including transitions, friendship skills, anxiety, and social pragmatics, among others.
Individual counseling
Our counselors provide an environment that is conducive to students communicating freely and openly with them.
Individual School counseling is solution-focused and generally short-term in nature. If a student needs ongoing counseling, the school counselor can provide contact information for community counselors/psychologists.
Individual counseling can be both a responsive and proactive service in order to meet student needs and concerns. It is offered throughout the school year to students in a confidential setting. Students may request counseling directly to the school counselor. The parent/guardian of a child, teacher or administrator may also refer a student for individual counseling.
Teacher and parent consultation
Collaborating with teachers and parents in a unified approach to find the most effective methods to help each child reach his/her academic and social potential is the cornerstone of the counseling program. Counselors consult with teachers in their division to discuss individual student needs or help address a complex group dynamic. Counselors meet with parents in response to issues that may be arising both at school and at home. Operating with the best interest of the student in mind, counselors, teachers and families work in partnership to help each child achieve academic and social success.
Parent presentations and workshops
Parent presentations and workshops are given on a wide array of educational issues designed to help parents become familiar with special topics of interest, and our programs and services, all with the aim of better serving each child and strengthening the bond between home and school.