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Panther Swim

Panther Swim


Panthers Swim team is a school run swim team with a very strong parent support committee. We have some of the best facilities in the world and use both the 50m Olympic-size pool and the 25m pool for training and competitions.

The ISB Panther Swim Team includes almost 300 swimmers ranging from 5-18 years of age. This includes our total beginner “Super Jr. Panthers” swimmers, our semi-competitive “Jr. Panthers” and our competitive age group swimmers that begin with “8 and under” squads and move right up to our internationally competitive High School Varsity squads. For our 10 and under swimmers we concentrate 100% on learning technique first and racing second. Swimming competitions are optional for all squads and we have a growing number of developmental squads throughout the age groups. We truly have something for everyone.

The swim season is divided into two sessions, August – December and January – May. Each semester the team holds several meets at ISB and provides travel opportunities for International meets in Asia.

Evaluations take place at the beginning of each semester. New students are welcome to try out when joining ISB.


Who to contact

Contact Coach Day for more information –