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ISB is proud to offer the most activities, athletics and clubs of any school in Thailand, in which our students may participate in. These offerings add to the breadth of choice that ISB provides our students. From Music to Dance, Cub Scouts to Girl Guides, Tennis to Tae Kwon Do, our school and community-based activities are designed to give our students the opportunity to develop new interests, refine their skills, excel in the areas they are most passionate about and give back to the community.

For the majority of school-sponsored activities, there are no participation fees charged. These activities include all Varsity and Junior Varsity sports teams, along with U15-U13-U11 ISB-BISAC sports teams. The same is true for the majority of our Elementary School/Middle School/High School Arts activities, and for most High School and Middle School clubs and activities.

In contrast, the majority of the community-based programs 'Panther Activities' do charge participation and/or coaching/instructor fees. These activities are administered by the Panther Den team. Additionally, the Elementary School Explore program offers a variety of activities for elementary students each semester, with these also being fee-based.

Please come into the Panther Den (next to the MS/HS Cafeteria) if you need help or have any questions.

