Payment Procedures
Students presently enrolled:
- A non-refundable deposit of Baht 40,000 is due by March 15, 2025.
- The 1st semester Tuition, Transportation, Annual, and Membership fees are due by June 30, 2025.
- The 2nd semester Tuition, Transportation, and Annual fees are due by November 15, 2025.
New Students:
- Baht 40,000 non-refundable deposit is due within 7 days after acceptance.
- The 1st Semester – All school fees are due by June 30, 2025.
- The 2nd Semester – All school fees are due by November 15, 2025.
- For students enrolling after the above due dates, all (full/pro-rated) school fees are immediately due after acceptance
Method of Payment
Fees are payable in Thai Baht, net of any bank charges (transfer fees, credit card charges etc.)
Payments can be made by:
- Online (for application fee and non-refundable deposit only)
- Cash
- Check, made payable to “International School Bangkok”
- Credit Card (Visa, Master, Amex)
- Wire transfer
Important: A fax or an email of the wire transfer/deposit slip referring to the children’s name is required.
Overdue Payments
A late payment fee of 0.75% per month will be charged for all overdue payments. Students may be excluded from classes when payments are overdue.
Student Insurance
While ISB maintains limited student accident insurance coverage for activities authorized by and under the supervision of school authorities, each student is required to obtain his/her own adequate medical insurance. On overseas trips, travel insurance is mandatory and will be included in the trip cost for all students.
Students leaving the school are required to clear all obligations before final records will be forwarded to the next school or University. This includes text, library books and other school materials.
For additional information or explanation you may contact Khun Atchara, Invoice Assistant (tel. 02-963-5800 ext.1122), fax 02-583-5432, e-mail