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Safeguarding at ISB header banner

Every child should feel safe, cared for and advocated for at all times.

ISB is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment in which our students can grow and develop to their full potential and are protected from harm. This is work we do as a whole school community.

The ISB Student Safeguarding Board Policy (Thai, Japanese, Korean) governs the measures taken by ISB to create a safe and nurturing environment for all of the children we come into contact with in our work, as well as the procedures we use to ensure that we fulfil our professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of help and protection and to take appropriate action to ensure their wellbeing.

ISB follows rigorous recruitment and vetting practices to ensure that all ISB employees and associates are suitable to work with our children. All teachers at ISB are also required to undergo a thorough criminal background check. We use internationally recognized providers to conduct these checks.

All ISB employees and associates are required to follow our ISB Code of Conduct. Annual training on Student Safeguarding is conducted for employees and associates, parents, and students.

ISB is also accredited by Keeping Children Safe in the United Kingdom, a leading child safeguarding agency and policy-maker.

Keeping Children Safe

ISB is committed to these actions:

  • All teachers are required to undergo a criminal background check at hiring and every 5 years. 
  • All employees and associates are required to follow our ISB Code of Conduct.
  • All employees and associates are required to attend annual safeguarding training
  • All students are provided instruction in keeping themselves safe
  • All Middle School and High School students are provided Safeguarding training for working with younger students
  • We follow a strict recruiting process for all ISB employees with a focus on student safeguarding.
  • All recruiters are given Safer Recruitment Training by an outside Agency 
  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead meets biannually with a Board of Trustees liaison to review ISB’s Safeguarding practices
  • ISB maintains certification with Keeping Children Safe
  • Our Safeguarding Committee meets monthly to ensure we maintain the highest level of Safeguarding measures on campus
  • Key members of the Leadership Team are given advanced safeguarding training by outside professionals
  • ISB consults with external professionals on key issues

I have a concern, what should I do?

the protocols around safeguarding at ISB