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Board of Trustees

The ISB Board of Trustees is a hybrid board composed of both appointed and elected members, including parents, alumni, and parents of alumni, and one member appointed by the US Embassy.  This combined approach to selecting board members fosters both balance and stability. The Board aims to ensure its membership includes the necessary expertise, resources, and viewpoints to effectively support and promote the school’s mission and strategic goals, while also reflecting the broader community.
The Board focuses on three key areas vital for the school’s success:

  1. Selecting, evaluating, and supporting the Head of School, who is entrusted with the authority to manage ISB.
  2. Establishing, evaluating, and advancing the school’s mission and developing comprehensive policies to guide the Head of School in supporting the school’s mission.
  3. Holding accountability for the long-term success and financial stability of the school.

All Board of Trustees members are volunteers who do not receive compensation, financial or otherwise, for their service.